Within the framework of a B2B contractual relationship, the manufacturer delivers its products to the customers, who have a contractual obligation to return the used packaging for repackaging against a deposit. Packaging is recycled once in every 10 years and is disposed of after 40 years.
Franchisees build a network of repackaging lines in which they repackage used packaging for different customers, so that the used packaging is not taken to the original manufacturer, but is provided to the nearest other manufacturer who needs this size of packaging.
A dense network of manufacturers with their own repackaging lines and franchisees with universal repackaging lines is set up. Packaging movement can be controlled by central packaging movement control systems. The carbon footprint of the packaging industry can be dramatically reduced.
Michalt Technology GmbH
Museumstraße 3b/16
1070 Wien, Austria
FN 537718 m
e-mail: partner@michalt.at